YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia - Home


Events listed here are official XS650 Club Rides and you are therefore eligible to attend on club (conditional) registered bikes, this also applies to Christmas Toy Runs and other charity rides.

You must advise the Secretary or Web Manager with the details of these rides so they can be included on this page. A printout of this page must be carried as proof of Club authority to ride.

New South Wales members must advise the NSW the Club Registrar, Herb Conlon prior to the ride so details can be recorded.

For the states that now have log books, just fill out your log book for the day of the event and carry your log book with you.

Failure to abide by the rules may incur a penalty by either the police or the club or both.

Club Events Calendar

Date Event
2019 PCRA Race Calendar


Round 6 - Nov 23 - SMSP Eastern Creek GP Circuit

International Festival of Speed 2020 - Mar 14-17 - SMSP Eastern Creek GP Circuit

Enquiries: secretary@pcra.com.au

November 2nd & 3rd 2019

Broadford VIC

November 16th 2019

Medowie N.S.W.

AGM 2019

The Yamaha XS650 Club of Australia's

2019 Annual General Meeting.

November 16th

Venue is Dave Rayner's house at 30 Ford Avenue Medowie N.S.W.

Please advise the Secretary or Web Manager of any other events to publish in the newsletter or website.

Ride Coordinators / State Representatives

If you would like to arrange a club ride, make contact with your State Ride Coordinator or Representative.

State Cordinator / Rep Mobile Email
New South Wales Ivan Hoey 0407 686 520 ltr.management@bigpond.com
Victoria John Chambers 0414 978 763 computastair@gmail.com
Queensland Representative wanted    
Nth QLD Steve Bragger (07) 4054 2119 sbragger@bigpond.net.au
South Australia Terry Merritt 0417 804 291 terry@redline-exhausts.com.au
Western Australia Richard Cieslik 0433 124 841 aatopcat@iinet.net.au
  The Perth boys ride with the Classic Club of WA on the first Sunday of every month. Call Rick on 0433 124 841 for details of next ride.
Tasmania Representative wanted    
Northern Teritory Representative wanted    

Other clubs rides

Ulysses Club (NSW)

Every Saturday, Sunday & Wednsday – ride to Pie in the Sky Café on the Old Pacific Hwy at Cowan.

Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club (VJMC)

VJMC Rides Calendar

VJMC Sydney & Central Coast meet on the first Sunday of month; Coffee at Road Warriors Café on Old Pacific Hwy, Mt White NSW. Meet at 10.00am, ride afterwards to ?

VJMC Sydney meets at 7.00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month at the Prospect Hotel, Great. Western Hwy Prospect.

VJMC of SE Qld meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Belmont Tavern in the Belmont Shopping Centre on the corner of Burstall Ave and Belmont Road, Belmont from 7.30pm. Most of us get there around 7pm for a meal first.

VJMC of Central Victoria meets each Sunday at the Ice Creamery, Corner Pall Mall and Bull St, Bendigo at 10am and we would love to see you there sometime. 

VJMC of SE Qld meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Belmont Tavern in the Belmont Shopping Centre on the corner of Burstall Ave and Belmont Road Belmont from 7.30pm. Most of us get there around 7pm for a meal first. 

VJMC Reps for each state and area

VJMC contacts for the rides are: (currency to be confirmed)

SW Sydney - Alan Dykstra - (AH) (02) 9824 7165

Nth Sydney - Steve Phelps (Berowra) 02-94562851

Sydney City - Steve O'Farrell (City) 02-95173490

W Sydney - Tony Lambert 02 4777 5047

Newcastle - Vince Foreman 0249 731 852.

Central VIC - Ivan Eeles 03 5448474

SE QLD John McNair 0402939142 johnfour750@hotmail.comor Graeme Knight (07) 3388 3296

QLD - Chris Anderson 0418-736541 or Ken Carse 07-38783020, 0427387830

Melbourne jeeles@iprimus.com.au

Taree NSW canvasz1000@bigpond.com

Riverina - Ray Birchall (02) 6926 1565

Goulburn NSW - Ray Crocker 02-48229669

Bathurst NSW - Geoff Stevens 02-63319884

Hunter Region NSW - Vince Foreman 02-49731852

Sydney Northern Beaches - Bob Abbott 02-99791532

Sydney Inner - Stephen Farrell 02-95173490

NSW Sth Coast- Bob Campton 02-44643304

Mid Nth Coast - Trevor Ellis 02-66555911

SW NSW - Stan Schneider 02-69931471

NW NSW - Graeme Tonkin 02-67248454

Canberra - Phil Dawes 02-62420454

Mackay QLD - Peter Douglass 07-49543653

Adelaide - Anton Frank 08-82811810

Perth - Mal Curd 08-92712144

Motorcycle Enthusiasts Group Bendigo

Trevor Nilson and Mike Wilby have started a new group up.
It all seems to be going well with good turn outs at our rides and coffee. We meet first and third Sunday of the month at the Bendigo pottery at 10am, last coffee we had around 30 turn up so not bad for a couple of months start up. Mike Wilby can be contacted at lairdofkincavel.wilby@gmail.com or 03-54444197 or 0415 433 909


Club Captain Victor 0408 286 434

Invitation from BSA NSW
" Members of XS650 Club are cordially invited to participate in the club events of the BSA Motorcycle Club of NSW Inc (BSA NSW Club)...
To satisfy the regulations of the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) of NSW, receipt of the invitation must be recorded in your club minutes or your official "Day Book" or "Move Book". Please note that attendance at these events must be approved by both Clubs.
Attendance by members of your Club are approved by the BSA NSW Club by way of this invitation, however be sure to have your attendance noted by the BSA NSW Club Captain Victor Terry on Ph: 0408 286 434 otherwise your ride could be illegal and may nullify your insurance cover.
For additional details and application forms for runs and rallies, please contact Craig Greene, BSA NSW Club Secretary on Ph: 0404 052 696."

Regular coffee run every third Saturday. Contact the Club Captain Victor on 0408 286 434 for details on these rides.

Meeting Places:
Prospect Hotel 3 Great Western Highway, Prospect BP Asquith Corner of Pacific Highway and Jersey St, North Asquith Watertower Wood Park, the small lookout car park on the Hume Highway westbound at the intersection of Stacey St, Bankstown Caltex Heathcote 1344 Princes Highway, Heathcote, south of the railway station McDonalds Kellyville Corner of Merriville and Windsor Roads, Kellyville