Bulahdelah II

September 2013

Well it all started on a balmy August morning with a quick squirt up the highway to Bulahdelah. A couple of old bikes and even older blokes. It was the same story for all the participants of the second Vinduro Heaven at Crawford River Bulahdelah. What's a Vinduro you ask?

Vinduro= Vintage Enduro.

Organiser, Heaven Vintage MX

Sound like fun? It was certainly that. Not having been on a dirt bike in about 30 years it was really just like falling off a log, or riding a bike and then falling off a log again. No really it was just like that. Thank God for the body armour from e-bay and a miserly 250cc underneath me. That's a great way to minimise the damage.

Organisers had done a great job combining some open track and bush cutting to produce a 6 km round loop for all talents. Lots of variation and an optional water crossing made for some good dust and a bit of mud as well.

Needless to say we had a great two days out in spite of the predictable mechanical issues. At least now we understand better the effects of G forces on 30 year old bike wiring and tank mounts. Still trying to understand the effects of G forces on 50 year old muscles, joints and bodies.

Thanks to Bill Wallis for supplying the DT250 and inviting me to suck up his dust as he screamed around on his XS650 powered MX bike There's a bit of life left in the old dog yet!

I can highly recommend a day or two out with this mob if you get the urge.