September 2013
Well it all started on a balmy August morning with a
quick squirt up the highway to Bulahdelah. A couple of old bikes and even older
blokes. It was the same story for all the participants of the second Vinduro
Heaven at Crawford River Bulahdelah. What's a Vinduro you ask?
Sound like fun? It was certainly that. Not having been
on a dirt bike in about 30 years it was really just like falling off a log, or
riding a bike and then falling off a log again. No really it was just like that.
Thank God for the body armour from e-bay and a miserly 250cc underneath me.
That's a great way to minimise the damage.
Organisers had done a great job combining some open
track and bush cutting to produce a 6 km round loop for all talents. Lots of
variation and an optional water crossing made for some good dust and a bit of
mud as well.
I can highly recommend a day or two out with this mob if
you get the urge.