Fund Raisers

These are the fund raisers we have had to help fund the club racer


Fund raising BBQ at Dave Taylor's managed to raise some money for the club racer despite a meagre turn out.
A good day was had by those who attended and we saw a few new faces this time which was great. Steve Gourdan from Ballarat attended as did James Quinn, the rest were the regulars and included Dave Taylor, Dave Bath, John Chambers, Terry Gliddon, Kevin Palmer, Mike Roberts and Rob Hird.

Thanks again to Dave and Robyn Taylor allowing us into their home and for a great day and a good feed.

The boys in far north Queensland got together and had a BBQ, raised some money and had a bloody good day.

Doug Gallie in Cairns sent these pics of their get together.

Not to be outdone the Victoria boys did the same

BBQ fund raiser at Dave Taylor's place Sunday September 21st.

Many thanks to Dave and Robyn for hosting such a great day.

The N.S.W. boys got together at Geoff Bamford's place for a BBQ as well, seems to be catching!

BBQ fundraiser at Geoff Bamford's on Saturday October 18th a belt buckle was raffled and won by Kevin James.

Thanks to Geoff and Louise for a top day

Well it looks like the East Coast boys are more motivated than the rest of the country, come on guys don't let them have all the fun!!!