The 2010 AGM was held in Sydney this year because no venue in could be found Queensland in time, so, Geoff Bamford suggested it be held at his place again. As anyone who has ever attended an AGM at Geoff's place knows, this is the perfect venue. There was a good turn out of members although some had to leave early because of other commitments but many stayed on into the night and had a great time. The meeting kicked of around 4pm and many things were discussed and voted on but I will leave that side of things to be handled by Dave Rayner in a future newsletter, however I can tell you that Geoff Bamford remains our President and Dave Rayner our Secretary/Treasurer and Terry Gliddon our Web Manager so no changes there. Herb Conlon's chilli prawn's were better than ever (if that's possible) and Louise and Geoff are to be congratulated for their efforts in making it all possible. Award for furthest traveled by XS650 was won by Lionel Boss from Bathurst and furthest traveled by other means was won by Graham Burling from Brisbane. Best bike award went to the café racer currently being built by Geoff Bamford for John Archer pictured below. Another bike also being built by Geoff for himself, a lovely XS2, was also on display and unfortunately Geoff tells us it has been sold. This now means our club President does not own an XS650 he can ride so the pressure is on to rectify this oversight. The club racer also made an appearance at the AGM so members could take a look at the progress so far. Unfortunately I didn't get around to doing a group picture but I managed to take a picture of most the bikes on display and some of their riders. Bill Wallis took some video which can be seen at :-¤t=Video0002.mp4