AGM 2004

Here are some pics from the 2004 AGM held in Queensland at Gary Stephen's place.

Chris Williams (foreground) and Geoff Bamford both from Sydney. Chris has
Peter Kommer's mono-shock bike and Geoff owns more than a dozen 650s but
both prefer to ride bigger bikes on long trips.

Gary Stephens' garage. Site of the AGM. Guanaba is in God's country.

David Rayner getting his bike ready for Sunday's custom bike show at Bike

More of the same.

Back row; Gary Stephens, Geoff Bamford, John Taylor, Perry Sargent, Peter
Anderson, Neil Power, Willie Pieck, Graham Bosel.
Front row; Jerry Donahoe, Chris Williams, Michael Gardiner, David Rayner.

Some of the faithful's bikes.

Dave's bike.

Peter Anderson's outfit

Willy Pieck

John Taylor, who rode his 650 from Newcastle to claim the "Longest Distance on a 650" award.

John, Mike, Neil, Geoff & Chris (kneeling)

Gary's driveway is so steep that as Dave was leaving for Bike Week, his bike tilted so much the ropes slackened off and she almost fell out of the trailer to a "F$%#@' STOOOPPPPPP" from the crowd.
Neil, Peter, & Dave tie her down super tight. She got there in one piece and won "Best Asian Custom".

Neil in heaven
