AGM 2005

Here are some pics from the 2005 AGM held in Victoria at Phillip Island.

Some of those in attendance checking out Doonies sidecar, from left to right, Wayne Kennedy, Dean Griffin, Geoff (doonie) Benton, Tony O'Brien, Kevin Palmer and Dave Rayner. 
Missing from the picture are Fritz Neisar, Daryl Hutcheon, Terry Gliddon (behind the camera), John Chambers, Ivan Hoey and Dave Taylor

An early casualty of the AGM ride to Phillip Island was Dave Rayners bike which suffered a bearing failure in the idler pulley on the belt drive to the cam.

The seized bearing in the idler pulley that caused Dave to "Trailer" his bike to the AGM.

Fritz Neisar's nice new Yammie V-Twin

Ivan Hoey's '80 Special was well used all weekend sight seeing all over the Island

Tony O'Brien's chopper must have given his kidneys a workout on the ride to the Island.

Dean Griffin's beautiful XS1

Wayne Kennedy arrived on his much loved 277° and rode the longest distance from Maffra.  

The bikes parked outside Phil's house on the Island.

A great weekend was had by all and the weather couldn't have been better. The BBQ and meeting on Saturday night was enjoyed by everyone and the practice and racing was well worth seeing, overall a great weekend and a great chance to meet some of the club's characters and enjoy our common interest, XS650's. I can't wait till next year!

Oh here's a late pic sent by Ivan Hoey, it shows Dave driving the car like he drives the train, asleep most of the time!

Actually I just reversed the image to make it look like he's driving, sorry Dave
