The 2009 AGM was held on the 7th of November 2009 at Geoff Bamford's home and as usual there was a good turn out of members attending. A full report on the meeting will follow but I can announce the result of the vote for club positions. We have a new President, Geoff Bamford was unanimously voted in as president after Dave Taylor decided to stand down due to work and family commitments and we would like to thank Dave for his services to the club over the last seven years. Dave Taylor (left) congratulates Geoff Bamford on his new position of club President. Dave Rayner was returned as club secretary/treasurer and Terry Gliddon as web manager. Graham Burling from
Logan QLD won both the longest traveled
member attending the AGM and best bike. Several other bikes there would have also been deserving winners as you will see from the following pictures but unfortunately there can be only one winner. I tried to get a picture of everyone who rode to the meeting and if I missed anyone I apologise. Jamie Cahill Mike Fitzpatrick Bill Wallis Andrew Iggo Mark Azzapardi Noel Beard John Archer Pat Newman Doug Bourke Max Evans (left) Mark Peatman (right) looking at Max's Bike Chris (bung, sponge, sham wow) Williams Nigel Lovett Dave Rayner Ivan (the flash) Hoey Nick Pinnington (left) and Steve Hobbs (right) checking out Nick's Tracker Graham Burling All those in attendance had a great time and participated in some lively discussion in what was a very successful 2009 AGM. An XS1 clock and coffee mug was raffled with the proceeds going to the club racer, the winning ticket holder was Steve Thorpe seen here receiving his prize from Terry (Toota) Gliddon. Last but not least is the obligatory group picture below:- Our thanks go to Geoff and Louise for allowing us into their home for the AGM and for the tremendous work they did to make it enjoyable for everyone there. Great job guys, see you there again in 2012. November 08, 2014