

The Class of 2011 – Perry’s dog didn’t get to vote

Some of the XS 650’s on display. Perry’s brother Cam and friend provided live music.

Best XS at the meet was a tie between the Red specials of Brendan Woodberry and Michael Gardiner. Michael generously declined the prize that went to Brendan.

Special mention goes to Steen Jensen who has owned his XS1 from new and brought it to Australia with him from Denmark when he migrated.

The NSW contingent has arrived.

They came by 2, 3 or 4 wheels. Showing the diversity of our membership bikes from Honda, Kawasaki, Triumph, Moto Guzzi, Harley Davidson and Can Am attended.

The bikes won the shed for the night

The boys reverted to the bunkhouse. Some very strange noises emanated during the night. Perry now has enough sawn firewood to last for the next 2 winters.

A couple of Perry’s project cars made way for the bikes.

AGM report by Tony Gray  and also a huge thank you to Perry Sargent for his generosity for providing the venue again this year.

AGM Results:-

President  - Geoff Bamford

Secretary/Treasurer - David Rayner 

Web person - Terry Gliddon.

Unfortunately Dave Rayner didn't make it to the AGM this year because of bad luck but he managed to get all the club business transferred via email to Perry's place so it could be read and tabled at the meeting.

Dave only made it as far as Tamworth on his journey north before he was beset by bad luck, after several hours of carby cleaning on Friday he set off confident in the bike's ability to make it to Queensland only to be thwarted at Tamworth when he pulled in for petrol only to discover his bag containing several things including his e-tag keys and several items of clothing had fallen off the rear rack on his bike

There was nothing for it but to give up and catch a train home after staying with friends overnight, and then catching a train back to pick up the bike after finding the spare keys. I'm sure this was a gut wrenching episode for Dave who truly loves the AGM's and looks forward to them every year. Better luck next year Dave.