The 2012 AGM has been and gone with the meeting opening at 6.30pm and the members being welcomed to the AGM by the club president Geoff Bamford. Terry Gliddon was asked to stand in for Dave Rayner who could not attend this year because of work commitments. First item of business was the financial report given by Terry Gliddon which was read out highlighting the cash flows in and out for club business such as the cost of T shirts, website and the printing of newsletters. The number of financial members was estimated to be between 206 & 269 and an overall funds increase showed the club to be in a healthy financial state. Additional funds raised for the construction of the club racer also showed a healthy balance. Second item on the agenda was a report on the Club racer by Ivan Hoey and Kevin Boss which resulted in some lively discussion and an in depth question and answer session ending in a resolution continue with additional fund raising efforts to supply tyres etc. as and when needed. Terry Gliddon also showed the members some light weight crankshaft components he bought along to the meeting and explained some of the difficulties in getting some things done where CNC machining is required and Jurgen Van Den Bos volunteered his engineering business as a possible solution to this problem in future. It was also suggested
that the Broadford Bike Bonanza be
a possible opportunity for members to
ride the club racer next year on day
licenses. It was explained the this
particular event is not a race day but a
display day for older bikes to do laps
behind a lead rider making it a safe
experience and an excellent opportunity
to ride the bike around the track. Terry Gliddon proposed
the club investigate whether club
members could be given name tags
containing the club name and members
name and membership number. It was also proposed we
investigate the production of club belt
buckles for sale to augment the other
club related items like t-shirts, stubby
holders and caps etc. Dave Taylor then spoke
about the necessity for members to
understand the club's requirements for
issuing of club permits with regard to
restored and modified bikes and it was
decided to let each state clarify this
with the relevant bodies in their own
state. The positions of club President, Secretary, Treasurer and Web Manager were then declared vacant and nominations were called for to fill these positions. Geoff Bamford was re elected unopposed for the position of President. Rodney Johnson declared himself available for the position of club Secretary as did David Rayner in his absence, a vote was taken and Rodney was declared the new club secretary. John Chambers declared himself available for the position of club Treasurer as did David Rayner in his absence , a vote was taken and John Chambers was declared the new club treasurer. Terry Gliddon was re elected unopposed for the position of Web Manager for the club. David Rayner was applauded for his outstanding commitment to the club over many years as both Secretary and Treasurer and it was hoped that he enjoys a well earned rest. Phil Mester and his partner Wendy, our hosts for the weekend, were asked to be the judges of the best bike trophy and they agreed that Ron Jarmyn's XS2 be declared the winner. Longest travelled award went to Max Evens who rode from Mona Vale north of Sydney. The AGM shirt will be light blue if that colour is available and if not it will a shade of blue determined by the President. The members thanked Phil and Wendy for the excellent job they did as hosts for the AGM. Thanks to the twenty eight members who attended making this AGM the most successful ever held in Victoria. Special thanks to John Chambers who did all the cooking. L-R Pat Newman, Kevin Boss, Ivan Hoey, Colin Waltho (kneeling), Phil Benz, Mark Peatman, Lionel Boss (kneeling) Dave Taylor, Steve Carle, Frank Meade (kneeling) Rodney Johnson, Dave Skilbeck (kneeling), Kevin Palmer, Geoff Bamford, David Phillis, Colin Levy, Dale Wilkinson, David Bath, Terry Gliddon (kneeling) Ron Jarmyn, Rob Hird, John Chambers (kneeling), Herb Conlin, Phil Mester, Wayne Kennedy. Daryl Hutcheon, Max Evans and Rob McKie showed up after the group picture was taken. If I have any of these names misspelt or assigned to the wrong person please let me know so I can rectify the error. 08/11/2014