

The Annual General Meeting of the YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia was held on Saturday 9 November 2013 at Geoff Bamford’s ‘Shed’ at Londonderry NSW.

Minutes of the meeting have been distributed by email – if you would like a copy posted to you, please contact the Secretary.

Along with the election of Club Officials for 2013-14 the following items were resoled at our AGM:

That YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia Inc. members can get historic registration on any eligible vehicle they own (but not Hot Rods) providing they own a YAMAHA XS650 motorcycle.

That YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia Inc. have a 20th anniversary ride to Dubbo.

That YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia Inc. may award Life Membership to a member who has provided outstanding service to the club and that any nomination shall be made at an AGM by a member.

That Honorary Members of the YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia Inc. shall only receive the Newsletter and be invited to events, they will not have voting rights, and Mike Fitzpatrick be given Honorary Membership status.

That a new Constitution for the YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia Inc. be drafted in consultation with members for presentation to AGM in 2014.

That the YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia Inc. Officials get suitable insurance for the Club.


The following is a pictorial of the event: