

Here is the line up of those who attended the 2014 AGM in Queensland

L - R

Gary Percival, Steen Jensen, xxxx, John Chambers, Chris (Bung) Willams, Dave Rayner, Cyril Brown, Tony Gray, Phil Rowe,

xxxx, Ivan Hoey, Patrick Newman, Daryl Hutcheon, Ian MacKinney, Geoff Bamford, Jeff Piper, Rodney Johnson & Stephen Bragger.

Sorry but we couldn't quite get every name right, please correct me if you know their names.

There are some more pictures to came and I will post them here when I get them.

Meeting underway

Meeting over, time to take some pictures and look at the bike.

The Café racer at the centre of attention belongs to Cyril Brown and has extended fins on the head among other things
which make this a very distinctive bike and a credit to its owner.

Some of the Sydney members were there in spirit via Skype.

L - R

Max Evans, Mark Azapardi, Steve Hobbs, Bill Wallis & Andrew Iggo

XS650 Club AGM Saturday 25 October 2014

Started 3:04pm

Welcome by Geoff Bamford, who gave thanks to all attending and non-attending members for their support while he was President. Our gracious host Perry Sargent was unable to be there in person as he had been put in to hospital and thanked Kerryn and Megan for continuing to host the AGM at Laidley.

Attendees: Phil Rowe, Michael Loughnan, Rodney Johnson, Ian MacKinney, Cyril Brown, Gary Percival, John Chambers, Jeff Piper, Patrick Newman, Tony Gray, Steen Jensen, Perry Sargent(Rep), Stephen Bragger, Daryl Hutcheon, Ivan Hoey, Chris(Bung) Williams, Geoff Bamford, Peter Anderson, David Rayner.

Proxies: Col Hopkins, Ian Knoetsveld, David Devenney, Stuart Hackett, Neil Bennett, Grant Molyneux, Barry White, Darrell Playle, Allan elder, Rick Jones, Wayne Collins, Bill Morrissey, Wayne Coleman, Joe Murray, Gary Fraser, Ron Jarmyn, Frank Meade, Guy Edmonds, Frank Dowling, Max Evans, Vernon Blair, Ian Smith(Melb), Stephen Courdon, Bill Wallis, Mark Peatman, Garry Moody, Craig Bath, Michael Gardiner, Jamie Cahill, David Taylor, Herb Conlon, Peter Kommer.

Apologies: Nigel Lovett, Ian Koetsveld, Colin Hopkins, Rick Jones, Joe Murray, Noel Bennet, Barry White, Dave Taylor, Terry Gliddon, Craig Bath, Perry Sargent, Stacey Heaney.

Treasurer Report by John Chambers

End of Club financial year is 30/9/14

Bank Account balances: Main $xxxx.xx Racer $xx.xx

Minimal merchandise sales this year

Profit this financial year $xxxx.xx

Income $xxxx.xx

Expenses $xxxx.xx

Balance sheet will be in next newsletter

2013 AGM cost $xxxx.xx

Postage $xxxx.xx

The financial report will be included in the next newsletter but does not need to be in the public domain on the website. If any member wants the details they need only ask the treasurer John Chambers

Secretary’s Report: John Chambers

23 members increase over 2013 membership

Currently 30/9 /14-------- 262 members

Apologies to members:

The Acknowledgement of a "Point of Order" at the 2013 AGM: That the minutes of 2013 AGM show that "a Facebook Group has been established by the Club for Members to share XS650 stories and pictures" which was not the fact.

The intention of the Club Facebook page was not established under the Clubs Constitution. Relevant apologies extended to Jamie Cahill and members. We the committee, at the time, had neglected the order of things and will endeavour to rectify at this AGM 2014.

A special note regarding the reporting of the clubs finance to Fair trading NSW 2013. The amount of our bank balance was drawn down after the end of our ‘Clubs’ official end of the year 2013. The result being that the figures reported to Fair trading (NSW) and our records show a small difference (approx. $200) which is reflected in our profit for this year compared with the actual 30/9/2013 finial figures. This was not reported to Fair trading as it was not significant enough to worry about.

Club Rego/Red plates/Conditional Plates:---------NSW getting stricter re club membership and some members have found that they are required to prove their financial standing with the "club" prior to having there permit renewed.

Daryl Hutcheon raised an issue of member detail in newsletter on website:

Apologies to any members that this has inconvenience, when it came to my knowledge via a conversation with Jamie Cahill. I have since stopped including address of members for what should have been obvious reasons.


Directors Liability Insurance has been purchased from NSW Motorcycling Alliance for the Club at a cost of $140 for part year ($200 full year). This will also at minimum cost allow us to run functions that are open to the public and give us, the "club" the relevant insurances.

Adoption of 2013 AGM Minutes (with acknowledgement regards the Facebook point of Order)

Moved by Ivan Hoey

Seconded by John Chambers


Motion: That Perry Sargent get and AGM shirt. Even though not present.

Moved: Rodney Johnson

Seconded: Daryl Hutcheon

Website Report by Rodney Johnson

Thanks for support from members and appreciate all of the work done previously by Terry Gliddon.

Race Bike Report by Ivan Hoey

The race bike is in limbo, chassis is at Geoff Bamford’s and engine in Melbourne. The crank has been balanced and PMT has offered to assemble. Chassis will be taken to Melbourne when motor is ready. There are plans to have the bike at the Australia Day Classic.

The achievements of Ivan Hoey winning historic championship were acknowledged.

Club Registrations

28 NSW 17 VIC ? QLD

NSW & Vic strict and Qld lax

AGM Shirt Colour

Motion: That the 2014 AGM shirt be Green (XS1).

Moved: Rodney Johnson

Seconded: Pat Newman


General Business

Motion: That the Fair trading "model Constitution" Under the Association Incorporations Act 2009 be accepted as part "b" of our existing constitution. That our existing Constitution remains first and foremost in the management and running of the "Club". The "model Constitution" only comes in to effect when matters that our existing constitution does not cover or are not completely clear on.

Moved: John Chambers

Seconded: Rodney Johnson


Motion: That the Model Constitution be allowed to run as it stands until the 2015 AGM at which time members will have some insight for adjustment or full acceptance.

Moved: John Chambers

Seconded: None

Motion: That the Fair Trading ‘Model Constitution’ Under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 that the Model Constitution be adopted with the current constitution with the adjustment to Section 33 "to allow for proxy voting at General meetings (fix wording)

Moved: John Chambers

Seconded: Rodney Johnson


Motion: That for conditional registration with the Club, members will be required to have one year in advance membership and photograph of bike each year.

Moved: John Chambers

Seconded: Geoff Bamford


Motion: Members observing or attending meetings of the club via teleconference are regarded as being normally present at the meeting and eligible for all meeting interactions except the awarding of a shirt from the AGM. Members must be in physical attendance to be eligible for an AGM shirt.

Moved: Rodney Johnson

Seconded: Chris Williams



There was some discussion regarding the proposal made on the AGM proxy form #3 and the motion that was proposed was moved but would not be seconded. Therefore the motion was denied.

AGM proxy form #4 there was no need to ask the membership as there was no Facebook to administer.

Motion: That the Club has a Facebook page for Club Members.

Moved: Rodney Johnson

Seconded: Steve Bragger

Lost (not carried)

Belt Buckle

To be arranged by new committee

Name Badges

Motion: That new member’s get Name Badges on their second year. [Due to the expense incurred for the purchase of such a small order and the fall off of new members after first 12 months membership.]

Moved: John Chambers

Seconded: Rodney Johnson


Membership Cards

Motion: That the cost of a plastic card machine be investigated.

Moved: Rodney Johnson

Seconded: Chris Williams



President: Andrew Iggo (16) v Daryl Hutcheon (41) = Daryl elected

Secretary: John Chambers

Treasurer: John Chambers

Web Page Manager: vacant

Newsletter: vacant

Race Bike Committee: nominees

Daryl Hutcheon Ivan Hoey Terry Gliddon Stacey Heaney

Motion: That the Race Bike Committee appoint a Race Bike Manager from within themselves.

Moved: John Chambers

Seconded: Ivan Hoey


Public Officer: David Rayner

Motion: That Public Officer and Race Bike Manager are part of the Club’s Executive Committee.

Moved: John Chambers

Seconded: Rodney Johnson


Club AGM 2014 Awards

Best Bike: Steen Jensen

Longest Travelled: John Chambers

Longest Travelled by XS650: Rodney Johnson


Meeting Closed 5:03pm