

The 2015 AGM was held at the property of Des and Bron Heaney at Mount Cottrell Victoria.

Minutes of the 2015 AGM

 The AGM of the Yamaha XS650 Club of Australia, Inc. Was held on the 3rd of October 2015 with an attendance of 15 members and several apologies.

Meeting was chaired by the President Daryl Hutcheon who also took the minutes of the meeting.

 In attendance was also our newly completed Club Racer for all to view and hear running in public for the first time, all were very pleased with the result and gave a standing ovation after hearing it run.

The AGM commenced at about 3.30pm with opening comments and report from the President Daryl Hutcheon, and remembering our former President and club life member Dave Taylor on his recent passing.

Reports were also submitted by our Secretary and Treasurer John Chambers stating the financial position of the Club and membership numbers are growing.

A report was also submitted by our Website Manager Terry Gliddon stating that the website is still rated No.1 on Google because of its popularity with many thousands of hits per month. He also reported on some new pages namely the memorial page to list our fallen friends and the mailbox page where incoming emails can be published and answered in an open forum.

Daryl Hutcheon submitted a report on the Club Racer in Ivan Hoeys' absence stating its progress over the last 12 months to its current state of completion.

John Chambers submitted a report as Victorian Club Registrar stating what is required in Victoria and NSW with their new trial of Club Rego similar to the Vics.

All positions of the Committee were then declared vacant and nominations called for these positions. With no new nominations all of the committee were voted back into their same positions.

President, Daryl Hutcheon.

Treasurer, John Chambers.

Secretary, John Chambers.

Website Manager, Terry Gliddon.

Newsletter Editor, Terry Gliddon.

Race Bike Committee, Ivan Hoey (Manager), Daryl Hutcheon, Terry Gliddon and Stacy Heaney.

Public Officer, David Rayner.

The Best Bike award went to David Stimack with his very nice TX650 which was picked by our hosts Des and Bron Heaney

Longest travelled by Yamaha XS650 went to Stephen Gourdon who rode from near Ballarat

Longest travelled attendee went to Rodger Ogren who had flown in from the USA to be here and see our Club Racer.

The style of AGM shirt was decided that it would be yellow/gold and black, with a pocket this year John.

The AGM was then opened for general business.

1 - A motion was put forward by John Chambers that the Club start a Facebook page and after a lot of discussion on its content and its responsibility to the club’s committee and constitution it was seconded by Steve Carle and ratified by the meeting. The proposed name of the Facebook group is the Yamaha XS650 Club of Australia.

2 - A motion was put forward by Daryl Hutcheon that the first Administrator be Mike Murphy and that the position also be accepted onto on the club’s committee with full rights and was seconded by Steve Carle and ratified by the meeting.

3 – A motion was put forward by Terry Gliddon that the Club establish a perpetual trophy in honour of Dave Taylor for the most outstanding club member of the year. The trophy is only to be presented if it is agreed at the AGM that there is a deserving candidate for that year. If not it is to be retained by the current recipient for a further year. Steve Carle proposed an amendment to motion 3 suggesting that a day be nominated to celebrate the life of Dave Taylor so his friends can get together in remembrance. This amendment was voted on and passed by the meeting and the modified motion 3 was then seconded by Daryl Hutcheon and passed.

Nominations were taken where we had two nominations, 1st, David Rayner, 2nd, Ivan Hoey.

Votes were taken and David Rayner will be the first recipient of the David Taylor Trophy to be returned at the next AGM in NSW.

Robyn Taylor will be notified of this award in Dave’s memory.

4 – Terry Gliddon proposed that any money from the main Club Account made available to the Club Racer be treated as a loan  and be paid back ASAP, this was seconded by Steve Carle and voted as passed.

5 – There was also discussion on establishing a Club Library with a donation of Parts Books donated by member Gary Fraser, thank you Gary.

6 – It was also established that the Club have another run of belt buckles with the years of production, 1969 to 1983, with a side view of a XS650 engine and that it be embellished with the words “Yamaha XS650 Club of Australia” similar to the ones made available earlier to raise fund for the Club Racer.  


  7 – It was also suggested that Club members be encouraged to submit stories and articles for the Club newsletter and approved by those in attendance.

 This concluded General Business where a raffle was conducted of prizes donated by the Club and our guest from the USA, Rodger Ogren.

The winners were;

12 volt tyre pump – 67 – Terry Gliddon

Esky – 66 – Kevin Palmer

Cinema Gold Pass – 65 – Stacey Heaney

Disc lock – 71 - ????

Side cover locks – 60 – Des Heaney

Scarf – 70 – Craig Bath

Stubbie cooler – 68 - ???

 At approximately 6.30pm the AGM was declared closed where everyone was thanked for their attendance and the BBQ was fired up

and cold drinks were consumed  by those staying overnight. Des and Bron Heaney were also thanked for the use of their property.

 This is the end of the Report.

After the meeting it was time to draw the raffle and Bron Heaney did the honours.

Among the winners was Craig Bath who won a scarf.

Des Heaney also has a collection of nice bikes including this flat tracker.

Here is the star attraction of the meeting in front of the members who attended.

Left to right

Mike Murphy (Facebook Admin), Garry Fraser, Daryl Hutcheon (President), Neil Bennett,

Stephen Carle, Roger Ogren (USA), Terry Gliddon (Web & News), Kevin Palmer, Adam Croft,

Craig Bath, Stephen Gourdon, Desmond Heaney, John Chambers (Secretary/Treasurer)

also attended by Stacey Heaney and David Stimack who had to leave early.

The racer was started for the first time.