
AGM 2017

The positions resulting from the 2017 AGM are as follows:-

President......Geoff Bamford
Secretary......John Chambers
Treasurer......John Chambers
Web Manager......Terry Gliddon
Newsletter Editor......Terry Gliddon
Race Bike Manager......Ivan Hoey

Full Report from the December Newsletter below

Most of those who attended the AGM at Laidley 2017

2017 Laidley QLD - AGM AGENDA

•      Registration by 2:30 Commenced meeting at 3.00 pm
Opening Comments and President’s report by Daryl Hutcheons (not present).
 Delivered by John Chambers

•          Acceptance of 2016 minutes to be true.

The minutes that appear on the web site “2016 AGM” were adopted as the official minutes as the minutes that were taken by Daryl this year did not eventuate. The recollections of John Chambers and Terry Gliddon were accepted by the attending members to be accepted as the minutes for the 2016 meeting.

•          Treasurers Report by John Chambers

Club funds total $10896.23 (bank, petty cash and un-deposited funds.) Up about $1600 on last year.
Race account funds total $1041.03
Profit for the year $1934.00

•          Secretaries Report by John Chambers

•          Membership as at the 30 September 2016 stand at 200 (Financial, Honorary, Life, committee.) with 43 outstanding of which we can expect on past years a further 30 by the end of the year. (Once they realise they are not receiving their newsletters,) that should leave us about 20 members down on last year.  And 20 down on the previous year.

•          I believe that the down turn in renewals is due to a  number of members in Queensland not being able to Club rego their bike unless they are in a Queensland based Club.

•          Members disappointed in the way the committee has handled the controversy over the missing clutch.

•          I believe that with the adoption of the two new proposals that have been put to the members if accepted will allow for the increase in the number of outstanding members re-joining by end of the year.

•          Herb Conlon has conveyed to me that he may not be available to do the club rego next year as his commitment to his family has grown and that we may need to look for someone to work in conjunction with him with the intent to take over this duty.

•          Disappointment of members not taking advantage of the increased funds available to them to hold a club function. This has proven to be able to pretty much cover food, drinks and other outgoings to the person or persons running the function.

•          Follow up on the suggestion of Geoff Bamford that idea of a plastic membership card will this year need to be further looked into as many members have this year queried the idea that the paper card just is not adequate and I shall need to purchase the appropriate machine and cards that best suit us.

•          Terry Gliddon to report on Belt Buckles

•          Club Belt Buckles are in hand and a request for these to be cast has gone to Laurie Moloney at BBL Metal Castings for production, more soon.

This has now been forwarded to Laurie Moloney at BBL Castings for implementation.
May be ready in time for the next AGM in October 2018

•          Facebook report by Terry Gliddon

•          Michael Murphy: As we are aware has stood down from the position and it has now been managed by Matt Taylor and (second) Steve Carle. They both send their apologies not being able to attend.

•          Proposal: Terry Gliddon. I suggest that their positions be officially recognised and accepted by the club.
Seconded: John Chambers
Vote taken. Accepted

•          Instagram: Report by Anthony Sibary

•          The Instagram page has been up running on a trial basis for approx. 4-5 months now to give members an idea on how it works and the alternative platform to Facebook to display photos, it is currently an open forum for people to comment on photos.

•          Discussion: Members quizzed Anthony on the need and the operation of  Instagram and after discussion from the floor it was put to the members attending:

•          Proposal: John Chambers. That we the Club accept the Interim platform that Anthony has set up and that he also be accepted as the Instagram page manager. This position does not have a position on the committee and is therefore overseen by the Club committee.

Second: Terry Gliddon
Vote taken: Accepted

•           Website Managers Report by Terry Gliddon

•          The website is still achieves 160,000 to 200,000 hits per month and some new sections have been instigated e.g. 2017 races in the events and rides section. Terry impressed the importance of the notice board for posting new information on club activities and vendors new offerings.

•          Race Bike Managers Report by Ivan Hoey

•          I (Ivan) am very happy with the results attain by the bike and its current rider Stacey Heaney over the past 12 months. The acceptance of external sponsorship that the club and Stacey herself have been able to get on board. The new sponsors for 2017-2018 in Hi-Tec Oils via Stacey and Liquid Intelligence, looks to be a great year for the race team and the new inclusion of Nick McGinn as our Victorian race bike committee go to guy. Thanks Nick.

•          Club registrars reports:

•          Herb Conlon, Herb extended his apologies to the members and hoped that everyone has a good day.

John Chambers
Victorian members currently have 18 motorcycles on club permits. The payment of membership in advance of your expiry date has been well accepted and proving to be the way to go.

•          General Business

•          Proposed motion has been made by
Noel Ganter suggesting that the club emblem be changed to a more correct illustration of an XS650 Motor similar to the one on the left hand bottom of page 3 of XS650 News #137. Or similar to the drawing I have provided.  Personally I would like to see it as an XS1 motor with symmetrical valve covers. I would not currently buy club Merchandise as I do not believe the emblem to be a true representation and therefore displeases me.

•           Seconded: John Chambers
Discussion: Acceptance of Noels suggestion in regard to the engine graphics but for the valve cover to remain with 4 studs which is more representative of the majority of XS650’s around and that the current stock is utilised prior the reordering of new stock with a new design.
Vote: Accepted

•          Proposed motion has been made:

•          Should the “Club” have a vice person on the Committee who can step in for an elected official that, for any reason, cannot perform their elected role within the club?

•          Second: John Chambers

•          Discussion: It was pointed out to members who seemed confused that this is not a vice president, but a vice person. Ready to step into any role.

•          Vote: Accepted             Yes   40          No    1

•          Proposed motion has been made:

•          Should the majority of the “Club Committee” have the power to expel an elected official found to be acting unlawfully or against the best interest of the “Club” or its members.

•          Second: John Chambers

•          Discussion: It was pointed out to members that the requirement of proof and not hearsay goes without saying.
It was also pointed out that these
people were put in these positions of trust and that the balance of the committee would act in the “Clubs” best interest.

•          Vote: Accepted             Yes   36          No    2

•          Removal and Election of Club Officials
President                          Daryl Hutcheon   6
                                       Geoff Bamford   43 new President
Treasurer                          John Chambers (Unopposed)
Secretary                          John Chambers (Unopposed)
Web Manager                    Terry Gliddon (Unopposed)
News Editor                      Terry Gliddon    34 returned
Associate Editor                Ian Lihou            6 ( post-election )
Race Bike Manager            Ivan Hoey (Unopposed)
Public Officer                    David Rayner (Unopposed)
Race bike committee         John Chambers, Stacey Heaney, Nick McGinn & Terry Gliddon
(by appointment by the race bike manager post-election .Post-election appointments were done with the agreement of those appointed.)

•          The new position of Vice person was created and nominations taken and after discussion it was unanimously accepted that David Rayner fill this new position.

•          All 2016-2017 existing positions removed and returned except for change of President.

•          Member held proxies where not introduced as the numbers would have made no difference to the outcome. (These can be viewed on the attendees roll)

•          Member Awards
Best Bike……………….........................John (Mathew) Stevens (QLD).
Longest Travelled by XS650…………..  Paul Tipler
Longest Travelled………………….......... Steve Bragger

•          AGM Shirt :  Colour and Style
Polo with Pocket   RED with White (race bike colours)

•          Further Business
It was discussed with the attending members that Ian Lihou be approached with the intent of suggesting that he might be interested in holding a position of assistant editor.
Thus introducing him into the role gradually and giving him an insight as to what is actually required of the editor.

•          Proposal. Approach Ian Lihou for assistant editor. (Terry spoke to Ian Post –Election and Ian and has agreed to fill the position of Associate Editor of the newsletter.)

•          Second: Steve Bragger
Vote taken: Accepted

•          Life Memberships: It has been some time since a life membership has been awarded and I therefore
propose that the following be considered:
Nominated: Daryl Hucheon (Himself)
Second: John Chambers
Discussion: In the past, previous presidents have nominated and been given life membership for holding this position. I have been President for the past three years and have been participating and active member in the effectiveness of this role and with my participation within the construction and ongoing participation in the club racer.

•          It was passed some years back that Life memberships were not to be issued on the pretext that holding the position of President automatically entitles that person to a life membership. Being involved in club activities that you volunteer for is also not an automatic entitlement for life membership either.

•          It is acknowledged that members are nominated by other members because they outperform what is normal activity within the club or are constant participants in club activities or help at even the lowest levels of comradeship within the club.
Daryl’s self-nomination : Rejected

•          New Member Nominations for Life Memberships accepted

•          Nominated: Ivan Hoey by John Chambers
Seconded by Geoff Bamford
Unopposed so no discussion deemed necessary
Voted: Unanimously so approved for life membership.

•           Nominated: Chris (Bung) Williams by Geoff Bamford
Seconded by Terry Gliddon
Unopposed so no discussion deemed necessary
Voted: Unanimously so Approved for Life Membership.

·          Daryl be sent certificate of appreciation for his dedication to the roll of President over the past 3 years.

•          Close and Thank Perry Sargent and his family having us again and accommodating so many this year.

From left to right:- Terry Gliddon, Ian MacKinney, Geoff Bamford, Tobias Sargent,  Paul Tipler, Perry Sargent, Peter Anderson, Tony Sibary, Ed Pasternak, Chris “Bung” Williams, John Stevens,  Ivan Hoey, Mark Paget, John Chambers, David Rayner, Steve Bragger. Not shown in this picture but also in attendance at the meeting were Gary Percival and Murray Joel.

Left: Geoff Bamford & John Stevens


It should be noted that John donated $150 to the club racer,
thanks mate it will be money well spent.

Winner of the best bike John Stevens XS650E

Perry Sargent and Mark Paget

Ian McKinney

Paul Tipler’s TX next to John Steven’s XS650E

Left David Rayer and Paul Tipler