YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia - Home

Office Bearers


Office Bearers 2018
Position Name Mobile Email
President David Rayner 0417890835 president@xs650.org.au
Secretary Tony Sibary 0431 353 963 secretary@xs650.org.au
Public Officer David Rayner 0417890835 publicofficer@xs650.org.au
Web Manager / Newsletters Tony Sibary 0431 353 963 webmanager@xs650.org.au
Racebike Manager Ivan Hoey 0407686520 ltr.management@bigpond.com
Instagram Tony Sibary 0431 353 963 instagram@xs650.org.au
Facebook Matt Taylor 0414 458 450 facebook@xs650.org.au
State Representatives
NSW Ivan Hoey 0407 686 520 ltr.management@bigpond.com
Nth QLD Steve Bragger 0414 709 951 sbragger@bigpond.net.au
SE QLD Representative wanted    
VIC John Chambers 0414 978 763 computastair@gmail.com
SA Terry Merritt 0417 804 291 terry@redline-exhausts.com.au
WA Richard Cieslik 0417 184 920 aatopcat@iinet.net.au
TAS Representative wanted    
NT Representative wanted    
If you have any news from your state, pass it on to your State Representative or the Secretary so it can be included in the newsletter.
Club / Historic Registration
NSW Historic Registrar Ivan Hoey 0407686520 ltr.management@bigpond.com

16 Hoyle Place, Greenfield Park, N.S.W. 2176

NSW Historic Registrar
Tony Sibary 0431 353 963 tonysibary@hotmail.com

P.O. Box 321 Emu Plains, N.S.W., 2750

Victorian Historic (Red Plate) Registrar John Chambers 0414 978 763 computastair@gmail.com

P.O. Box 312 Croydon, VIC, 3136