2016 AGM Agenda and Results Combined version.As
recorded by Terry Gliddon for the XS
News #134 •
by 3.00 pm •
members registered for the AGM Ian
Smith (N.S.W.), Tate Whitton, Rodney
Johnson, Max Evans, John Chambers, David
Preston, David Skilbeck, Patrick Newman,
Mark Peatman, Steve Carle, Andrew Iggo,
Perry Sargent, Terry Gliddon, Daryl
Hutcheon, Ivan Hoey, Steven Hobbs, Chis
“Bung” Williams, Mal Rowe, Geoff
Bamford, Mark Azzopardi, David Rayner. Apologies
from:- Michael Murphy, Adam Crofts,
Garry Fraser, Kevin Palmer, Steve
Bragger, Noel Beard & Herb Conlon Proxy
Votes received from:- Paul Tipler, Ian
Koetsveld, Des Heaney, Stacey Heaney,
Michael O’Loughnan, Roger Paul Ogren,
Frank Meade, Vernon Blair, Ross Lawson,
Morgan Tyrell, Ian Smith (VIC), Rodney
Blacklock, Lance Stewart, Steen Jensen
& Peter Anderson •
Comments and President’s report by Daryl
Hutcheon •
of 2015 minutes to be true by Steve
Carle. •
Report by John
Chambers a.
Club funds total $9234.71 (bank, petty
cash, un deposited funds.) Down about
$200 on last year. b.
Race account funds total $548.04 (this
includes $250 sponsorship for 2016-2017) c.
Profit for the year $898.78 (Down around
$1000 due to the large inventory
purchases this year. (Badges and
T-Shirts ) Also the increase in postage
costs. I believe that it is time to put
our initial membership cost up $10 to
reflect the cost that the club incur.
Renewal membership to remain the same
and the pro-rata scale to continue.) d.
Current Value of the Club that will be
reported to the Office of Fair Trading.
$20996.59 e.
Club T-Shirts cost need to increase to
$25 from $22 (We can offer discount on
bulk buys) eg. 2 for $40 We
will no longer offer the Blue Polo Club
Shirt just the Grey as the sales over
the past 2 years have been negligible
and with the cost of restocking I can’t
see the point in carrying 2 colours. •
by John Chambers a. The Fair
Trading Constitution Incorporations Act
has been updated 2016 (Changes do not
impact the club in any way from the 2012
act.) b. Membership
as at the 30 September 2016 stand at 199
(Financial, Honorary, Life, committee.)
with 57 outstanding of which we can
expect on past years a further 40 by the
end of the year. (Once they realise they
are not receiving their newsletters)
that should leave us pretty much where
we were last year. Breaking the 300
barrier appears to be harder than our
president had anticipated. Facebook report
by Michael Murphy delivered by John
Chambers Michael
sends his regrets that he is unable to
attend the AGM. Michael reports that we
are currently have 60 financial members
listed with our club Facebook. He
encourages others to participate which
will make the experience even more
enjoyable for those who are already “FRIENDS”
distributing photo’s and stories.
Reminder to all, Facebook group is only
available to financial Yamaha XS650 Club
Members. • Website Managers Report by Terry Gliddon Terry
Gliddon reported that our website is
still number one on Google and we
receive several hundred thousand hits
per month according to the statistics
gathered by the ISP.
• Race Bike Managers Report by Ivan Hoey Ivan
reported that during the course of the
year at many events including the Island
Classic, The Victorian Road Racing
Titles, The Barry Sheene Festival of
Speed and several other events were the
club racer was entered both Steve Hobbs
and Stacey Heaney represented the club
with great enthusiasm and campaigned the
racer in the manner it was intended
gaining a few trophies along the way.
Any setbacks will hopefully be rectified
for next year as the learning process
continues. •
registrars reports: Herb Conlon (N.S.W.
Registrar) Herb
extended his apologies to the members
and hoped that everyone had a good day. NB.
Ian Smith reported that at present the
NSW RTA are being quite strict on
imported motorcycle for rego and red
plate schemes. Make sure that you have
all relevant paperwork, sale receipts
and shipping schedules if possible. The
more the better as it will only lessen
the individual headaches when it comes
to getting compliance for your
motorcycle permits. John
Chambers (Vic
Registrar Report) Victorian
members currently have 21 motorcycles on
club permits. The payment of membership
in advance of your expiry date has been
well accepted and proving to be the way
to go. •
of Club Officials President…………………………Daryl
Hutcheon Treasurer…………………………John
Chambers Secretary…………………………John
Chambers Web
Gliddon Newsletter
Editor………………..Terry Gliddon Race
Bike committee…………….Ivan Hoey,
Stacey Heaney, Daryl Hutcheon &
Terry Gliddon Public
Rayner After
all positions were declared vacant, all
incumbent office bearers were returned
unopposed. •
Best Bike……………………………Ian
Smith (NSW). B:
Longest Travelled by XS650……………..Perry
Sargent C:
Longest Travelled……………………….Perry
Sargent •
: Colour
and Style Polo
with Pocket GREEN
with Black •
Business Andrew
Iggo raised the question of smoking at
the meeting and it was agreed that is
would not be tolerated at future
meetings. •
motion was made: Should
the “Club” continue to participate
in the states “Historical Permit
Scheme” permitting Motor Cycles and
Motor Cars. (This
motion was carried) OR
Should the “Club” continue to
participate in the states “Historic
Permit Scheme” but revert back to
permitting Motor Cycles only. (The
first part of the motion was carried
making this part of the motion
redundant.) •
motion has been made: That
the club make funds available to cover
expenses, to individual states from the “Main”
bank account for Club functions, above
the already in place amount of $50. (This
motion was accepted for further
discussion and implementation by the
club’s committee) •
motion has been made: •
the Race Committee seek and accept
external Monitory Sponsorship for the
purpose of maintaining and the
continuing development of the Race Bike. •
the Sponsors advertising be restricted
to a “Sponsors Page” within the Club
Racer section of the website under the
Sub Heading of “Cash Sponsors”.
(Thus removing said sponsors from the
pretence that the “Club” and its
members endorse their products.) This
should allow the “Club” to retain
its .ORG.AU status as the club is not
being sponsored but the race bike is. (These
two motions were carried unanimously) •
Geoff and Louis for having us at their
home and for standing in at short notice
once again. Meeting closed