
Wayne Higgin's Journey

It's been a long time since we’ve been together like this…..

I’ve known you for eighteen years but for the last three years our relationship has been strained.

I was sad, so sad when you changed. All this time I’ve wanted you back the way you used to be.

It’s been a struggle, but together we’ve worked hard.

At times I’ve been so angry with you, you seemed not to want to get any better, every bit of progress was hard won and cost blood sweat and tears.

I’ve even sworn at you on occasion. I can only apologise and hope that you don’t hold it against me.

I have to remind myself how good we were together, enjoying the open air, the wind in my hair.

These things keep me focussed, although there were times I had to walk away from you for a while, until we were both ready to start again.

 How quickly I have forgotten the hard times as the old feelings come flooding back.

You are reborn, rebuilt

We are as one again.

Once again I can admire your curves, run my hand along your smooth, sleek body.

Who would have believed so much pleasure could be given by an old motorbike.

 Wayne Higgins

Jan 2013