YAMAHA XS650 Club of Australia - Home

Members Bikes

All members are requested to send a current picture of their XS650s plus no more than one paragraph description of each bike for updating this page to Web Manager.

Click on member's name to view bikes and info...
Mick Hyde Rodger Ogren Ian Smith
Darrell Playle Wayne Biddulph John Scott
Wayne Orr Wal Fenwick Murray Joel
David Zahn Mark James Nigel Lovett
Darrin Howe Wilko Van Syl Peter Grice
Dave McLeod Gordon Kearley Geoff Watson
Bryan DeLacy Colin Levey Wayne Blanchfield
Doug Gallie Stephen Gourdon Andrew Iggo
Dave Webster Bob Tolley Ron Jarmyn
Dave Skilbeck Don Urquhart Terry Gliddon
Bruce Clark Tim Jaeschke Frank Dowling
Duane Joliffe Raymond Thacker Brian Greenlees
Brent McArthur Wayne Kennedy Bryan Stent
Robert Traeger Pat Newman Warren Harris
Max Evans Graeme Maidment Dave Rayner
Terry Merritt Daniel Kennedy John Blanch
Bill Wallis Allan Elder  Ross Lawson
Kelvin Clark   Mike Gilmour Ian Mackinney

Wayne Lay

Michael O'Keefe Mark Peatman
Derek Palmer Martin Richmond Matt Taylor

The following members bikes pages are old and in need of editing out those who are no longer members or the bikes have changed ownership,I will get to them eventually so please be patient.

Terry Gliddon's XS650SG / David Rayner's Café Racer & Roadster / Bill Wallis' Bikes / Vinnie Powell's TX

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Dave Taylor's Hard Tail / Dave Bath's chopper & outfit / Fritz Niesar's racer & TX650 / Phil Mesters Outfit & Solo

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Bob Bolton's XS1 / Matt Moloney's XS650 sidecar racer/ Daryl Turner's Tracker/ Gerry Di Lucchios Special / Roger Llewellyn's Special

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Wayne Kennedy's staggered crank XS650 & GSXR650 / David McLeods TX650 
/ Phil Hudson's Heritage Special / Anthony Friedrich's '78 Special / Wilco Van Syl's TX650A

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Henry Asensi's 1980 XS650 SG / Warren Marshall's special / Nigel Lovett's 1980 Special restoration / Walter Bulyga's TX650

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Paul Sinclair's XS650C & XS650SG Chopper / Craig Bath's 79 Special / Steen Jensen's XS1F/ David Webster's XS650B

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Dave Giles' Restoration / Geoff Bamfords collection / Dennis Theinert's Chopper / Rob Roesler's '78 special

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Matt Kay's nitrous dream/ Steve Carle's '78 Special/Morgan Tyrrell's Special/Ken Nobilo's XS650D

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Willie Pieck & Lyn Jenkins customs / Danny Pieck's bike / Bill Moran's TX650 / Steve Gourdon's collection

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Ian "Grassy" Samson's XS2 / Brian Gibb's TX / Michael Henry's TX650/Mike Dalton's Special / Lionel Boss' Special

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Jamie Cahill's XS2 / Gavin Gill's TXA / Ross Lawson's Resto / Rob McKie Racers / Nick's McGinn's resto

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Lance Stewart's XS650C / Andrew Gunn's TXA / Mark Azzopardi's XS650B & Café Racer / Ivan Hoey's XS650SG / Tony Filmer's XS650SH

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Kevin Boss's XS650C & XS1 Racer / Ivan Hoey's unlimited road racer/ Gordon Bailey's XS650B/Denis Hadina

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Ash Kidd's double restoration story

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Michael Gardiner's 1980 SG / Daryl Hutcheon's "Dazzled" Tracker / Kevin Palmer's Turbo / Robbie Hird's Chopper / Wayne Higgins' journey

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